Breakout Sessions

Breakout I: 
Tools for success: Skill and professional development

Personal Branding ( Sue Jacques)  Sue Jacques from the Civility CEO will provide practical tips and tools about personal branding.  She will discuss professionalism and how to present yourself in a way that encompasses your values and the values of the Calgary Public Library.
The MarshMallow Challenge (Rob Schmidt) In this deep dive exercise, Rob Schmidt will take you through the paces of creating an innovative solution to a stated problem.  You will share your learning from the exercise that will apply to innovation and group collaboration throughout the organization.
Asking better questions (Nancy McKenzie)  The key to getting to the right answer is starting with the right question.  In this session Nancy McKenzie will discuss the importance of asking the right question and the characteristics of a great question.
Delivering tough messages (Margaret Miyagishima)  The session introduces attendees to a simple yet effective model for addressing issues leaders often dread – delivering tough messages.
Project Success – 4 Key Concepts You Must Master! (Paul Lane)  Explore the four concepts that lead to project management nirvana. What are they? Why are they necessary? And what tools are available to help?

Breakout II: 
Serious Fun: Fun and Creative Learning

Telling Our Story (Jilliane Yawney)  What stories do you tell? Consider how story forms your personal identity as well as the corporate identity of CPL.  Then talk about how we can use story to make us all a little happier.
Indirect Path  (Sonja La Pointe)  In this engaging activity participants work in teams to find their way through a “mine field”.  This fun activity builds communication, trust and teamwork.
Finding Our Rhythm  (Malcolm Lim) A drum circle supporting issues of leadership, vision, support, and creativity.
Win As Much As You Can  (Lisa Hardy)  An exercise highlighting the importance of trust within, and between teams.  Those who have previously participated in this activity with Lisa are asked to please choose one of the other sessions.
The Art of Leadership (Performance Partnerships)  A fun sculpture-making activity that helps participants think about and discuss their roles as leaders in supporting staff through transition and change.